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Digital Art

Time Folding

Digital Video, 2022

Time Fold is a digital video work created in 2022 that delves deeply into the complex relationship between time and space. In this piece, the artist employs innovative visual language and dynamic imagery to challenge traditional perceptions of reality. The work presents a bold concept: time is not linear but can be folded and interwoven like space, forming a multi-dimensional overlay of landscapes.

The imagery in the piece simulates the non-linear structure of time through repeated mirroring effects and spatial distortions. Each frame observed by the audience is not merely a record of the passage of time but a manifestation of time overlapping across multiple dimensions.

Through this visual artistic expression, the work suggests the fluidity and malleability of time, breaking away from conventional notions of fixed and unchanging time. The folding of space and the interweaving of time reflect each other, allowing the past, present, and future to coexist on a dynamic plane, prompting viewers to engage in a deeper contemplation of the essence of time.

Time Fold is not just an abstract exploration of time and space but also encourages a reexamination of our daily concepts of time through a concrete visual experience. It challenges traditional linear concepts of time and proposes a new way of understanding, emphasizing the interrelationships of each moment and space and the infinite possibilities within the imagery.

Time Folding