Dark header image


Photography, 2012

This photography series captures more than just a visual scene; it delves deep into the unseen and often unacknowledged realms of human emotion. The title "Dark" sets the tone for an exploration of those psychological spaces that we rarely confront—those hidden, blurred feelings that linger in the shadows of our consciousness.

In this work, darkness symbolizes the depths of the subconscious, filled with fear, anxiety, and unresolved trauma. These emotions are often pushed aside in daily life because they are unsettling and difficult to face. However, in the stillness of night, when distractions fade away, these emotions emerge from the shadows, becoming more tangible and real. The photography invites viewers to acknowledge these darker aspects of the self, encouraging us to confront those psychological parts that are usually kept hidden.

The composition of these photographs likely emphasizes the contrast between what is visible and what is concealed, reflecting how we experience emotions. The darkness in the images may envelop the subject, leaving only hints of form and structure, suggesting that while these emotions are present, they are not fully understood or processed. The ambiguity in the images serves as a metaphor for the ambiguity in our emotional lives.

By focusing on the "darkness of everyone's night," the work touches on a universal experience. It reminds us that these emotions, though often suppressed, are a shared human condition. In doing so, the series offers a moment of introspection, inviting viewers to consider their own "dark" emotions and how they might face them.

This series can be seen as a visual representation of Jung's concept of the "shadow self," referring to the unconscious parts of our personality that we tend to ignore. By embracing the inner darkness, the work suggests a path to deeper self-awareness and psychological integration. Instead of fearing the dark, it encourages us to explore it, find meaning in these emotions, and bring them into the light.
