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The Red Sea

Performance, 10th UP-ON International Live Art Festival, November 2022, Guanghui Art Museum, Chengdu, Photo by Roland von der Emden

The title of this work is inspired by the biblical book of Exodus. The mistreatment of the Israelites in Egypt was heard by God, who raised the prophet Moses to lead them out of Egypt to the promised land of Canaan, freeing them from their suffering. After leaving Egypt, the Hebrews encountered the Egyptian Pharaoh's pursuing army at the Red Sea. God caused the Red Sea to part, allowing the people to cross to the other side. Then, the Red Sea returned to its place, drowning the entire pursuing army. On the way to Canaan, God provided the Israelites with food and shelter. However, the Israelites continued to complain, which was very annoying to both man and God. Consequently, God punished them by making them wander in the desert for an entire generation.

In the performance, Li Xinmo, wearing a long red dress, uses a knife to cut through a white curtain and walks out through the opening, symbolizing the appearance of Moses. She leads a procession while holding red gauze, and prays in front of a black staircase that leads her up to the wilderness outside. There, she lights the red gauze, an umbrella, and a lantern. Finally, she walks into a pool of water and sinks into it.

The Red Sea