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Rewriting one Hundred Years of Solitude

Performance, 2014, Contemporary Art Centre, Bogotá, Colombia

The performance took place in August 2014 in Colombia, Márquez’s native land. Li Xinmo walked barefoot in the rain, holding Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude and a jar full of earth from Colombia. Amid the cold air and occasional puzzled looks from passersby, she crossed one street after another. Her feet moved over the cold, hard stone streets while her mind drifted to a distant place. It took her quite some time to arrive at the library built in Márquez's honor. She walked to the wall, set down the jar, and opened the book. The book, written entirely in Spanish, was then torn page by page until it became "void." She then filled the book with earth and closed it. Although it was still the same book with the same title, its contents had changed. Everything returned to earth, including time, life, death, and even solitude. Holding this new book in her hand, she returned to the exhibition center, placed it on a white stand, reopened it, and began to read.

Rewriting One Hundred Years of Solitude