Adonis header image


MuseumPerformance & Theater, September 6, 2023, Xu Liaoyuan Museum.

This work explores themes of nature, earth, plants, and water, drawing inspiration from the Greek mythological figure Adonis, the god of plants. The set features an installation of two dead trees and a bronze chair covered with holes, symbolizing the transition from the natural to the industrial world.

Performers, representing Adonis, emerge from beneath the trees and walk toward the chair, their bodies covered in moss. As they approach the bronze chair and begin to remove the moss, they extend their arms through the chair's hollows, creating a striking visual impact. Lee Summers embodies nature in this performance, with blue powder dispersing continuously from her hands. At the end of the performance, she uses a steel needle to pierce a container of water hidden under her clothes and placed in her abdomen. The water flows out and mixes with the powder on the floor, creating an interlocking blue river across the scene.
