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Ink Painting

Chinese Painting - Freehand Figure Series

ink on rice paper, 2006

Li Xinmo’s ink portraits are rich with a blend of dramatic and everyday elements. She incorporates the exaggerated expressions of folk prints and theater into her traditional ink painting techniques. Each artwork resembles a vivid theatrical scene, with actors’ makeup and costumes recreated through delicate brushstrokes and varying shades of ink. This technique highlights her profound skill in ink art and her deep understanding and respect for folk culture.

The characters in her works are vibrant and expressive, with Li Xinmo using intricate ink lines and layered washes to vividly present their emotions and expressions. Her attention to the details of makeup makes each character's facial expression and attire appear particularly lifelike. This approach, inspired by real-life observations, lends her works not only artistic beauty but also a strong sense of realism and everyday life.

Through these pieces, Li Xinmo not only demonstrates her technical proficiency in ink painting but also reflects her deep thoughts on dramatic art. By integrating the concept of "life is like a play, and a play is like life" into her works, she imbues each painting with profound insights into life, theater, and personal experiences. This combination of traditional techniques with personal experiences allows her ink portraits to maintain their classical charm while engaging with contemporary themes.

Li Xinmo's series is more than a showcase of ink art; it is a profound exploration of the intersection between life and drama, reality and fantasy. Through her art, she offers viewers a glimpse into her unique perspective on the intertwining of life and theater, as well as her superb application of ink painting techniques.

Chinese Paintings- Figures