Red header image


Photography, 2024

Li Xinmo's photo story series "Red", created in 2014, utilizes red threads and wedding dresses as primary elements to construct a profound and symbolic visual narrative. This work explores multiple themes, including marriage, female identity, and same-sex love.

As a powerful visual element, red carries various potential meanings in this series. It is often associated with passion, love, danger, and power. Within the context of marriage, red may symbolize the fervor of love and the passion of matrimony, while also hinting at potential conflicts and risks within a marriage.

The work presents a visual story about women through the medium of photography, which in itself emphasizes and explores the concept of female identity. The wedding dress, as a symbol of a woman's traditional role in marriage, is employed to examine women's identity and status within marriage, as well as how they seek and express themselves within this role.

The work touches upon the theme of same-sex love. This is a relatively sensitive and complex topic, but Li Xinmo presents it to the audience through the intuitive and impactful art form of photography. The red threads and wedding dress may also symbolize the emotional bond and commitment between same-sex partners, as well as a challenge and reconstruction of traditional notions of marriage.
