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Relation Series No.1: Distance

Peformance, “Guangzhou Live 5” International Festival of Performance Art, Xiaozhou, Guangzhou. 2014

On December 3, 2014, Li Xinmo presented her “Relation Series” at “Guangzhou Live 5.” In this series, she reflected on how people are related to others, to politics, and to themselves.

“Relation Series No.1: Distance” was a collaboration with Leon from the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK. Each of them, holding three needles and threads, walked toward each other and exchanged their needles and threads when they met midway. They then began to sew each other’s clothes, speaking gently as if whispering to each other like lovers. Both their upper and lower parts were sewn so tightly—even their arms were fastened to each other’s backs—that they were fixed in a hugging position, unable to move. When they tried to separate, they could only struggle, tearing each other’s clothes. They eventually broke away, both in “wounds.” His clothes became rags, leaving white threads on hers. Staring at each other, she asked, “What’s your name?” “Leon,” he replied. They then went on, brushing past each other in opposite directions.

Relation Series No 1 Distance

Relation Series No.1 Distance Photo by Ou Zhihang